Ep3: Making Espresso in the Woods

I love coffee, especially while out on a canoe trip. So when I saw the Handpresso while visiting Nova Craft’s Paddle Shop in London, Ontario a few weeks back, I couldn’t resist buying this really cool gadget. Nova Craft is the only place selling it right now in Ontario and that’s because they were the only retailer who figured it would make a cool espresso maker for camping. Handpresso itself doesn’t even promote it for campers. It is costly – $150 – but compared to similar espresso makers, it’s not.

Ep2: Keeping it Fresh: Packing Luxury Camp Food

If you’re car camping, or the portages on your interior canoe trip happen to be short (or better yet, nonexistent), then you definitely have the privilege of taking along a few luxury food items. After all, some dehydrated meals taste a little like munching on a cardboard box. So there’s nothing better than to be able to pack fresh meat and vegetables, at least for the first few days of your trip. There’s absolutely nothing like it. Imagine ending your day and dining on a juicy steak, crisp salad, and chocolate ice cream for dessert.